+34 986 211 500 nv@nunezvigo.com


Hydraulic and pneumatic installation

At Núñez Vigo we have extensive experience in hydraulic and pneumatic installation, always complying with the most demanding parameters, both in the industrial and naval fields.

All the installations carried out by Núñez Vigo are made up of first quality materials. Besides, we comply with the most restrictive requirements that ensure its correct operation and compliance with current regulations.

We have highly qualified technicians who ensure the proper development of projects. From Núñez Vigo we carry out the hydraulic and pneumatic installation adapting both to the requirements of external manufacturers or shipyards and our plans. Our technical engineering office studies the needs of customers developing customized circuits, guaranteeing their correct operation, and complete customer satisfaction.

We can offer a wide variety of assemblies, which allows us to adapt to the requirements of each client in a personalized way.

The choice of material in our facilities is made according to the requirements of each project. We have proven experience in carbon steel, stainless Steel, and bichromated steel installations.

Regardless of the type of assembly carried out by our technicians, the closing of the circuits in the consumers can be carried out through a flexible joint or rigid pipe as appropriate in each case.

The support of the facilities developed by Núñez Vigo is adapted in each project to ensure the most convenient choice. We are specialists in the assembly of antivibration elements and supported with elastic dampers to ensure silent circuits, without any type of vibration. These elements are included in the circuits both in the support of the pipe and in the through elements.

In Núñez Vigo we have, as a rule, an internal circuit flushing at the end of all the installations. Also, we carry out overpressure tests on each circuit to ensure its tightness. For this, we have external hydraulic power units equipped with special filters that ensure the removal of any particle from the system. The results are tested using our Parker LCM220 particle meter to ensure that all installed hydraulic circuits meet the cleanliness levels required by consumers and customers.

Structural Hydraulic Installations

Our structural hydraulic installations are made in any diameter.In circuits with all kinds of pressures and flows. These facilities are suitable for circuits subjected to adverse conditions.

From Núñez Vigo we have certified personnel who make the unions in these hydraulic installations. We have highly qualified personnel capable of working under the most adverse conditions and in places of difficult access. Our staff adapt themselves to the requirements of the project, offering welded joints using TIG, MIG or electrode processes as required.

Removable Installations

Compression fitting DIN 2353

We carry out cutting ring installations for all types of flows and pressures. The joint used is of the EO type to guarantee tightness

These facilities are characterized by their ease of assembly and their perfect operation.

The main advantage of this system is that it allows you to install removable circuits that facilitate maintenance and repair tasks.

JIC 37º or flared

We carry out installations in flared tube in DIC 47 with a maximum diameter of 4”. We have our own machine to model the pipe for this joint system. This type of mounting is suitable for high pressure circuits and areas where it is necessary for the installation to be removable.

Flanges 3000 or 6000 psi

We install 3000 or 6000 psi welded or threaded flanges. We also carry out removable assemblies with flange joints that have high-tightness O-rings and high-strength clamping screws, this type of joint is requested for high-pressure circuits that require being removable.

At Núñez Vigo we have developed our own system of flanges in both stainless and carbon, suitable for the most demanding projects. We also have a wide range of standard cable ties for all types of expressions.

instalación hidráulica y neumática
instalación hidráulica y neumática
instalación hidráulica y neumática
instalación hidráulica y neumática
instalación hidráulica y neumática

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