+34 986 211 500 nv@nunezvigo.com


Hydraulic power units

Núñez Vigo has a consolidated and extended experience in hydraulic power unit design, development, and manufacturing.

We develop all sizes projects, from semi-standard small groups to custom projects depending on our client’s needs. Among our current product portfolios are units from 5 liters until high-pressure units for feeding all types of consumers from ships (winches, cranes, a-frame, etc.) of more than 3000 liters.

From Núñez Vigo hydraulic power units are designed, both fixed and variable flow, LS… choice made carefully based on the operational needs.

Besides, we offer compact hydraulic power units and hydraulic power units with external motor-pump, to adapt to our client’s available space, therefore offering a wide range of products and possibilities.
For each Project, the components are carefully chosen for its correct operation. Always considering the initial requirements of our clients.

Our hydraulic power units are supplied with a starter box, although due to requirements they can be supplied without it. We design and supply any type of hydraulic, electrical, or electronic control to manage our hydraulic power units.

centrales óleohidráulicas
centrales óleohidráulicas